Roadmap Tokushima Airport (Tokushima), to Chiba (Chiba)
Continue 0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn left 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn sharp right 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn left 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn slight left 0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn left onto 古川長原港線 古川長原港線 2190h2mn 1.5 km -
Turn right 0h0mn 0.2 km -
Turn left 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn right 0h1mn 0.5 km -
Turn left onto 鳴門徳島自転車道 鳴門徳島自転車道 4010h1mn 1.1 km -
Turn right onto 国道28号 国道28号 280h5mn 4.3 km -
Keep left 0h1mn 0.7 km -
Turn left onto 瀬戸撫養線 瀬戸撫養線 420h0mn 0.3 km -
Turn left onto 鳴門公園線 鳴門公園線 110h4mn 4.7 km -
Turn sharp left 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Keep right 1h51mn 72.7 km -
Keep left and take E93 toward 第二神明方面, 姫路, 神戸, 大阪 0h1mn 0.5 km -
Keep left and drive toward 垂水, 出口 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Keep right and drive toward 垂水, 出口 0h1mn 0.7 km -
Turn left onto 長坂垂水線 長坂垂水線 4880h0mn 0.0 km -
Make a U-turn onto 長坂垂水線 長坂垂水線 4880h0mn 0.2 km -
Keep left onto 多井畑名谷線 多井畑名谷線0h1mn 0.3 km -
Turn left onto 神戸加古川姫路線 神戸加古川姫路線 650h5mn 4.0 km -
Keep right onto 獅子堀清水谷線 獅子堀清水谷線0h0mn 0.0 km -
Continue 0h4mn 3.7 km -
Keep right onto 阪神高速31号神戸山手線 and drive toward 神戸長田 阪神高速31号神戸山手線 310h2mn 1.0 km -
Continue onto 大開通り 大開通り 280h4mn 2.9 km -
Keep left 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Continue onto 神戸明石線 神戸明石線 210h2mn 1.3 km -
Turn right onto トアロード トアロード0h0mn 0.0 km -
Turn sharp left onto 神戸明石線 神戸明石線 210h2mn 1.3 km -
Turn right onto 阪神高速32号新神戸トンネル 阪神高速32号新神戸トンネル 320h0mn 0.2 km -
Keep left onto 3-16 and drive toward 大阪 3-160h2mn 2.0 km -
Keep left and drive toward 摩耶 0h14mn 13.0 km -
Keep left onto 名神高速道路 and take E1 toward 大阪空港 名神高速道路 E10h27mn 34.0 km -
Keep left onto 名神高速道路 and drive toward 栗東, 名古屋, 第二京阪, 大山崎出口 名神高速道路 E10h6mn 6.7 km -
Keep left and drive toward 長岡京, 宇治, 第二京阪, 大山崎出口 0h0mn 0.5 km -
Keep right and drive toward 宇治, 名古屋, 第二京阪 0h20mn 23.5 km -
Keep left 0h0mn 0.6 km -
Turn right 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn left onto 千町石山寺辺線 千町石山寺辺線 1060h0mn 0.4 km -
Continue onto 国道1号 国道1号 10h1mn 1.1 km -
Turn left onto 国道1号 国道1号 10h1mn 0.8 km -
Keep left onto 大津能登川長浜線 大津能登川長浜線 20h3mn 3.6 km -
Turn right onto 草津田上インター線 草津田上インター線 3420h1mn 0.8 km -
Keep left 0h29mn 43.3 km -
Keep right onto 新名神高速道路 新名神高速道路 E1A3h49mn 283.3 km -
Keep left onto 新東名高速道路 and take E1 toward 御殿場, 東京 新東名高速道路 E1A1h3mn 95.5 km -
Keep right 0h1mn 1.2 km -
Keep left onto 玉川通り and drive toward 初台, 恵比寿 玉川通り 2460h0mn 0.3 km -
Keep right onto 渋谷入口 and drive toward 都心環状 渋谷入口0h4mn 5.3 km -
Keep right onto 首都高速都心環状線 首都高速都心環状線0h0mn 0.3 km -
Keep right onto 六本木通り 六本木通り 4120h0mn 0.3 km -
Continue onto 六本木通り 六本木通り 4120h1mn 0.7 km -
Turn left onto 内堀通り 内堀通り 3010h1mn 1.1 km -
Turn right onto 永代通り 永代通り 4030h1mn 0.7 km -
Turn left onto 江戸通り 江戸通り 4070h2mn 2.0 km -
Turn right onto 京葉道路 京葉道路 140h10mn 11.4 km -
Keep right 0h12mn 12.6 km -
Keep left and take 14, 357, E51 toward 幕張, 稲城 0h0mn 0.2 km -
Keep right and take 14, 357, E51 toward 幕張, 稲城 0h0mn 0.3 km -
Keep right onto 千葉街道 千葉街道 140h10mn 8.6 km -
Keep right onto 東京湾岸道路 東京湾岸道路 3570h2mn 2.1 km -
Turn left 0h0mn 0.1 km -
Turn right 0h0mn 0.0 km -
Arrive at destination 0h0mn 0 m
** Route generated in :: 0.0659 **
Distance from Tokushima Airport (Tokushima), to Chiba (Chiba)
The distance from Tokushima Airport to Chiba is 528.1 km in a straight line.
In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Tokushima Airport, 39 to Chiba, 04. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Chiba and Tokushima Airport, as well as different trip duration.
Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Tokushima Airport to Chiba.
Distance by car | |
Duration by car | |
Fuel cost (Gasoline) | |
Fuel cost (Diesel) | |
Distance by bike | |
Duration by bike |
By car, the distance is about 659.8 km, for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .
Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Tokushima Airport in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Tokushima Airport or in Tokushima.
If you want to see the route between Tokushima Airport and Chiba by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Tokushima Airport to Chiba will be updated accordingly.
Rent a car in Tokushima Airport (Tokushima)

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Distances from Tokushima Airport to main cities
Distances from Chiba to nearby cities
Distances from Chiba to nearby cities
- Yotsukaidō 7 km / 4 mi
- Ichihara 10 km / 6 mi
- Narashino 11 km / 7 mi
- Yachiyo 15 km / 9 mi
- Honchō 16 km / 10 mi
- Funabashi 16 km / 10 mi
- Sakura 17 km / 10 mi
- Shisui 19 km / 12 mi
- Yachimata 19 km / 12 mi
- Urayasu 20 km / 12 mi
- Ōami 20 km / 13 mi
- Kamagaya 22 km / 13 mi
- Sodegaura 22 km / 14 mi
- Shiroi 23 km / 14 mi
- Tōgane 23 km / 14 mi
- Ōamishirasato 24 km / 15 mi
- Ichikawa-minami 24 km / 15 mi
- Mobara 25 km / 16 mi
- Inzai 26 km / 16 mi
- Narutō 27 km / 17 mi
- Narita 27 km / 17 mi
- Sanmu 27 km / 17 mi
- Matsudo 28 km / 17 mi
- Kisarazu 29 km / 18 mi
- Tomisato 31 km / 19 mi
- Abiko 31 km / 19 mi
- Kashiwa 32 km / 20 mi
- Nagareyama 34 km / 21 mi
- Kimitsu 36 km / 22 mi
- Yōkaichiba 41 km / 25 mi
- Sōsa 42 km / 26 mi
- Futtsu 42 km / 26 mi
- Noda 45 km / 28 mi
- Ōhara 47 km / 29 mi
- Sawara 47 km / 29 mi
- Katori-shi 48 km / 30 mi
- Isumi 49 km / 30 mi
- Asahi 50 km / 31 mi
- Omigawa 53 km / 33 mi
- Katsuura 54 km / 33 mi
- Kamogawa 56 km / 35 mi
- Minamibōsō 66 km / 41 mi
- Hasaki 66 km / 41 mi
- Choshi 66 km / 41 mi
- Tateyama 72 km / 45 mi
Distances from Tokushima Airport to nearest airports
Tokushima Airport local overview |
Tokushima Airport Time zone : Asia/Tokyo |
Places close to Tokushima Airport
Place | Distance |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Hiketa Seaport | 21 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Umayado Fishing Port | 20 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Shimoura-eki | 19 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Kawamata-damu | 18 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Sanukiaioi-eki | 19 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Aioi Fishing Port | 19 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Ishii-chōyakuba | 17 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Kitanada Fishing Port | 17 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Ishii-eki | 16 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Awa Ōmiya-eki | 15 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Sanagouchi-sonyakuba | 21 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Itano-chōyakuba | 13 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Itano-eki | 13 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Fuchū-eki | 13 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Mitani | 25 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Awa Kawabata-eki | 11 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Aizumi-chōyakuba | 10 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Akui-eki | 11 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Bandō-eki | 10 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Kuramoto-eki | 10 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Shōzui-eki | 7 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Ikenotani-eki | 8 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Yoshinari-eki | 7 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Sako-eki | 9 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Awa Ōtani-eki | 7 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Bunka Nomori-eki | 11 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Tokushima Grand Hotel Kairakuen | 9 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Nikenya-eki | 10 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Kitajima-chōyakuba | 6 km |
Distance from Tokushima Airport to Tokushima Washington Hotel Plaza | 9 km |
More distances
- Narutochō-mitsuishi 7.4 km
- Tokushima 8.2 km
- Komatsushimachō 14.9 km
- Ishii 16.8 km
- Fukura 17.1 km
- Anan 24.4 km
- Kamojimachō-jōgejima 24.7 km
- Sumoto 35.0 km
- Wakimachi 42.7 km
- Shido 45.2 km
- Tonoshō 55.8 km
Largest cities near Tokushima Airport
- Tokushima 8.2 km
- Narutochō-mitsuishi 7.4 km
- Anan 24.4 km
- Komatsushimachō 14.9 km
- Ishii 16.8 km