Distance Tottori Airport Kyoto

Roadmap Tottori Airport (Tottori), to Kyoto (Kyoto)

154.7 km212.0 km4h32mn
  1. Continue
    1.7 km
  2. Turn right
    1.3 km
  3. Turn left
    0.5 km
  4. Turn right
    0.2 km
  5. Turn right onto 鳥取空港賀露線, かにっこ空港ロード
    鳥取空港賀露線, かにっこ空港ロード 327
    0.1 km
  6. Turn left onto 鳥取空港布勢線
    鳥取空港布勢線 264
    0.9 km
  7. Turn left onto 伏野覚寺線
    伏野覚寺線 318
    1.5 km
  8. Turn right onto 鳥取港湖山停車場線
    鳥取港湖山停車場線 156
    0.5 km
  9. Continue onto 岩吉安長線
    岩吉安長線 150
    0.7 km
  10. Turn right onto 鳥取南バイパス
    鳥取南バイパス 2953373
    4.2 km
  11. Continue onto 国道29号
    国道29号 29
    48.1 km
  12. Turn sharp left onto 大屋波賀線
    大屋波賀線 48
    6.3 km
  13. Keep right
    0.4 km
  14. Turn left
    0.1 km
  15. Turn left
    1.0 km
  16. Turn left onto 大屋波賀線
    大屋波賀線 48
    9.2 km
  17. Turn left onto 養父宍粟線
    養父宍粟線 6
    7.0 km
  18. Turn left onto 養父宍粟線
    養父宍粟線 6
    4.6 km
  19. Turn right onto 十二所澤線
    十二所澤線 70
    0.2 km
  20. Turn right
    0.3 km
  21. Turn slight left onto 北近畿豊岡自動車道, 国道483号
    北近畿豊岡自動車道, 国道483号 E72
    28.3 km
  22. Keep left
    0.4 km
  23. Turn left
    17.2 km
  24. Keep right
    11.0 km
  25. Keep left
    0.3 km
  26. Continue
    0.0 km
  27. Turn left onto 長安寺西岡屋線
    長安寺西岡屋線 140
    3.6 km
  28. Turn right onto 長安寺西岡屋線
    長安寺西岡屋線 140
    0.5 km
  29. Turn left
    0.5 km
  30. Turn slight left onto 篠山山南線
    篠山山南線 77
    2.4 km
  31. Turn right onto 篠山山南線
    篠山山南線 77
    1.8 km
  32. Continue onto 国道372号
    国道372号 372
    1.9 km
  33. Turn right
    0.0 km
  34. Turn left
    1.9 km
  35. Turn right onto 日置バイパス
    日置バイパス 372
    4.3 km
  36. Turn right onto 国道173号
    国道173号 173372
    0.3 km
  37. Turn left onto 国道372号
    国道372号 372
    24.6 km
  38. Keep right
    10.4 km
  39. Keep left
    0.9 km
  40. Keep left
    0.8 km
  41. Turn left
    0.2 km
  42. Turn sharp right onto 沓掛西大路五条線
    沓掛西大路五条線 142
    1.3 km
  43. Keep left onto 桂バイパス
    桂バイパス 9
    4.2 km
  44. Turn left onto 周山街道
    周山街道 162
    1.6 km
  45. Turn right onto 御池通
    2.4 km
  46. Continue onto 押小路通
    押小路通 37
    0.8 km
  47. Turn left onto 堀川通
    堀川通 38
    0.9 km
  48. Turn right onto 下立売通
    0.2 km
  49. Turn left onto 油小路通
    0.1 km
  50. Turn sharp right onto 出水通り
    0.0 km
  51. Arrive at destination
    0 m

** Route generated in :: 0.0442 **

Distance from Tottori Airport (Tottori), to Kyoto (Kyoto)

The distance from Tottori Airport to Kyoto is 154.7 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Tottori Airport, 41 to Kyoto, 22. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Kyoto and Tottori Airport, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Tottori Airport to Kyoto.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about 212.0 km, for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Tottori Airport in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Tottori Airport or in Tottori.

If you want to see the route between Tottori Airport and Kyoto by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Tottori Airport to Kyoto will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Tottori Airport (Tottori)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Tottori Airport to Kyoto Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Tottori Airport thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Tottori Airport to main cities

Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori 7 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Yonago 76 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Kurayoshi 33 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Sakaiminato 85 km

Distances from Kyoto to nearby cities

Distance from Kyoto to Kamigyō-ku 1 km
Distance from Kyoto to Arashiyama 7 km
Distance from Kyoto to Mukō 8 km
Distance from Kyoto to Nagaoka 12 km
Distance from Kyoto to Uji 15 km
Distance from Kyoto to Kameoka 16 km
Distance from Kyoto to Yawata 17 km
Distance from Kyoto to Jōyō 20 km
Distance from Kyoto to Tanabe 22 km
Distance from Kyoto to Kyōtanabe 24 km
Distance from Kyoto to Nantan 26 km
Distance from Kyoto to Kizugawa 33 km
Distance from Kyoto to Ayabe 55 km
Distance from Kyoto to Maizuru 61 km
Distance from Kyoto to Fukuchiyama 66 km
Distance from Kyoto to Miyazu 77 km
Distance from Kyoto to Kyōtango 92 km

Distances from Kyoto to nearby cities

  • Kamigyō-ku 1 km / 1 mi
  • Arashiyama 7 km / 4 mi
  • Mukō 8 km / 5 mi
  • Nagaoka 12 km / 7 mi
  • Uji 15 km / 9 mi
  • Kameoka 16 km / 10 mi
  • Yawata 17 km / 11 mi
  • Jōyō 20 km / 13 mi
  • Tanabe 22 km / 14 mi
  • Kyōtanabe 24 km / 15 mi
  • Nantan 26 km / 16 mi
  • Kizugawa 33 km / 20 mi
  • Ayabe 55 km / 34 mi
  • Maizuru 61 km / 38 mi
  • Fukuchiyama 66 km / 41 mi
  • Miyazu 77 km / 48 mi
  • Kyōtango 92 km / 57 mi

Distances from Tottori Airport to nearest airports

Tottori Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori Airport 0 km
Tajima Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Tajima Airport 56 km
Miho–Yonago Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Miho–Yonago Airport 84 km
Okayama Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Okayama Airport 91 km
Oki Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Oki Airport 105 km
Kōnan Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Kōnan Airport 107 km
Izumo Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Izumo Airport 116 km
Fukuyama Distance from Tottori Airport to Fukuyama 138 km
Kobe Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Kobe Airport 139 km
Osaka International Airport Distance from Tottori Airport to Osaka International Airport 142 km

Tottori Airport local overview

Tottori Airport
Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 0
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Tottori Airport

Distance from Tottori Airport to Aoya-eki 16 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Hamamura-eki 11 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Hamamura View Hotel 11 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Hōgi-eki 8 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Suetsune-eki 3 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori Airport 0 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori Daigaku-mae-eki 1 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Koyama-eki 3 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Kawahara Castle 14 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Mochigase-eki 21 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Takagari-eki 20 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Kunifusa-eki 18 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Kawahara-eki 16 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Hotel New Otani Tottori 7 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori-eki 7 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori Washington Hotel Plaza 7 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Kansuitei Kozeniya 7 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori-shiyakusho 7 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Tottori Castle ruins 7 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Yazu Kōkō-mae-eki 16 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Tsunoi-eki 11 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Inaba Funaoka-eki 17 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Yazu-chōyakuba 15 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Kōge-eki 15 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Higashikōge-eki 14 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Hayabusa-eki 18 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Momodanichisui-damu 10 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Fukube-eki 11 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Abe-eki 21 km
Distance from Tottori Airport to Ōiwa-eki 13 km

More distances

Largest cities near Tottori Airport