Distances from Akita to other places

Akita, Akita

Akita local time

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 320,069
  • Country code (Iso) : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Weather in Akita

light snow
  • Temperatures : 1/1°C
  • Wind : 11.25 km/h
  • Pressure : 1002 hPa
  • Air humidity : 58 %
  • Cloud cover : 100 %
  • Sunrise : 15 h 40
  • Sunset : 02 h 06
  • Daylight hours : 10 h 25

Distances from Akita

Akita is a city located in Akita and his population is 320,069 inhabitants.

On this page you can consult informations about distances and roadmaps from Akita to major cities and places in Japan.

Distances from Akita to largest cities

Distance from Akita to Tokyo 450 km
Distance from Akita to Yokohama 479 km
Distance from Akita to Osaka 693 km
Distance from Akita to Nagoya 579 km
Distance from Akita to Sapporo 387 km
Distance from Akita to Kobe 710 km
Distance from Akita to Kyoto 650 km
Distance from Akita to Fukuoka 1,101 km
Distance from Akita to Kawasaki 468 km
Distance from Akita to Saitama 426 km
Distance from Akita to Hiroshima 902 km
Distance from Akita to Yono 429 km
Distance from Akita to Sendai 174 km
Distance from Akita to Kitakyushu 1,052 km
Distance from Akita to Chiba 458 km
Distance from Akita to Sakai 705 km
Distance from Akita to Shizuoka 549 km
Distance from Akita to Kumamoto 1,142 km
Distance from Akita to Okayama 786 km
Distance from Akita to Hamamatsu 597 km
Distance from Akita to Hachiōji 457 km
Distance from Akita to Honchō 447 km
Distance from Akita to Kagoshima 1,252 km
Distance from Akita to Niigata 225 km
Distance from Akita to Himeji 726 km
Distance from Akita to Matsudo 439 km
Distance from Akita to Nishinomiya-hama 700 km
Distance from Akita to Kawaguchi 437 km
Distance from Akita to Kanazawa 463 km
Distance from Akita to Utsunomiya 351 km

Major museums

Mine Land Osarizawa Distance from Akita to Mine Land Osarizawa 75 km
Takamura Sansō Distance from Akita to Takamura Sansō 85 km
Aomori Shi Chūsei no Yakata Distance from Akita to Aomori Shi Chūsei no Yakata 118 km
Hakodateshi Seikan Renrakusen Kinenkan Mashūmaru Distance from Akita to Hakodateshi Seikan Renrakusen Kinenkan Mashūmaru 235 km
Tokyo National Museum Distance from Akita to Tokyo National Museum 446 km
Metropolitan Art Museum Distance from Akita to Metropolitan Art Museum 446 km
National Museum of Western Art Distance from Akita to National Museum of Western Art 446 km
Shitamanchi Museum Distance from Akita to Shitamanchi Museum 447 km
Science Museum Distance from Akita to Science Museum 449 km
National Museum of Modern Art Distance from Akita to National Museum of Modern Art 449 km
Yamatane Museum of Art Distance from Akita to Yamatane Museum of Art 449 km
Crafts Gallery Distance from Akita to Crafts Gallery 449 km
Fukagawa-edo Shiryōkan Distance from Akita to Fukagawa-edo Shiryōkan 450 km
Tōkyō Gendai Bijutsukan Distance from Akita to Tōkyō Gendai Bijutsukan 450 km
Bunkamura Museum of Art Distance from Akita to Bunkamura Museum of Art 453 km
Gas no Kagakukan Distance from Akita to Gas no Kagakukan 453 km
Setagaya Art Museum Distance from Akita to Setagaya Art Museum 457 km
Yokohama Ningyō no Ie Distance from Akita to Yokohama Ningyō no Ie 477 km
Chacha World Distance from Akita to Chacha World 547 km
Aichi Prefecture Art Museum Distance from Akita to Aichi Prefecture Art Museum 580 km
Hakubutsukan Abashiri Kangoku Distance from Akita to Hakubutsukan Abashiri Kangoku 586 km
SCMaglev and Railway Park Distance from Akita to SCMaglev and Railway Park 594 km
Yosami Transmitter Museum Distance from Akita to Yosami Transmitter Museum 595 km
National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto Distance from Akita to National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto 649 km
National Museum of Ethnology Distance from Akita to National Museum of Ethnology 680 km
Kyūshū Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan Distance from Akita to Kyūshū Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan 1,098 km
Miniature Model of Dejima Distance from Akita to Miniature Model of Dejima 1,202 km

Distances to near cities

Largest cities near Akita