Distance Mine Land Osarizawa Hamamatsu Ab

Roadmap Mine Land Osarizawa (Akita), to Hamamatsu Ab (Shizuoka)

Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa (Akita), to Hamamatsu Ab (Shizuoka)

The distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hamamatsu Ab is 660.8 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Mine Land Osarizawa, 02 to Hamamatsu Ab, 37. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Hamamatsu Ab and Mine Land Osarizawa, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hamamatsu Ab.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Mine Land Osarizawa in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Mine Land Osarizawa or in Akita.

If you want to see the route between Mine Land Osarizawa and Hamamatsu Ab by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hamamatsu Ab will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Mine Land Osarizawa (Akita)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hamamatsu Ab Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Mine Land Osarizawa thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Mine Land Osarizawa to main cities

Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Akita 75 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ōdate 19 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Noshiro 61 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Yokote 98 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ōmagari 85 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hanawa 3 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Yuzawa 115 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Tennō 74 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Takanosu 33 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Kakunodatemachi 68 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Nikaho 123 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Daisen 86 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Oga 84 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Yurihonjō 106 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Katagami 72 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Kita-Akita 30 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Kazuno 4 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Semboku 53 km

Distances from Hamamatsu Ab to nearby cities

Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Hamamatsu 6 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Hamakita 9 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Iwata 15 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Kosai 17 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Fukuroi 20 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Mori 23 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Kakegawa 29 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Kikugawa 38 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Kanaya 40 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Makinohara 41 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Shimada 45 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Sagara 46 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Ōyama 50 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Omaezaki 50 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Fujieda 53 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Yaizu 58 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Shizuoka 67 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Fujinomiya 98 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Fuji 101 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Heda 102 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Numazu 113 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Shimoda 114 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Izu 116 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Mishima 118 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Izunokuni 118 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Susono 120 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Itō 128 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Atami 129 km
Distance from Hamamatsu Ab to Gotenba 130 km

Distances from Hamamatsu Ab to nearby cities

  • Hamamatsu 6 km / 4 mi
  • Hamakita 9 km / 6 mi
  • Iwata 15 km / 9 mi
  • Kosai 17 km / 11 mi
  • Fukuroi 20 km / 12 mi
  • Mori 23 km / 14 mi
  • Kakegawa 29 km / 18 mi
  • Kikugawa 38 km / 24 mi
  • Kanaya 40 km / 25 mi
  • Makinohara 41 km / 25 mi
  • Shimada 45 km / 28 mi
  • Sagara 46 km / 29 mi
  • Ōyama 50 km / 31 mi
  • Omaezaki 50 km / 31 mi
  • Fujieda 53 km / 33 mi
  • Yaizu 58 km / 36 mi
  • Shizuoka 67 km / 42 mi
  • Fujinomiya 98 km / 61 mi
  • Fuji 101 km / 63 mi
  • Heda 102 km / 63 mi
  • Numazu 113 km / 70 mi
  • Shimoda 114 km / 71 mi
  • Izu 116 km / 72 mi
  • Mishima 118 km / 73 mi
  • Izunokuni 118 km / 74 mi
  • Susono 120 km / 74 mi
  • Itō 128 km / 80 mi
  • Atami 129 km / 80 mi
  • Gotenba 130 km / 81 mi

Distances from Mine Land Osarizawa to nearest airports

Odate–Noshiro Airport Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Odate–Noshiro Airport 32 km
Aomori Airport Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Aomori Airport 61 km
Hachinohe Ab Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hachinohe Ab 74 km
Akita Airport Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Akita Airport 78 km
Misawa Air Base Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Misawa Air Base 78 km
Morioka Hanamaki Airport Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Morioka Hanamaki Airport 90 km
Shonai Airport Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Shonai Airport 174 km
Hakodate Airport Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hakodate Airport 177 km
Yamagata Airport Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Yamagata Airport 200 km
Matsushima Ab Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Matsushima Ab 202 km

Mine Land Osarizawa local overview

Mine Land Osarizawa
Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 0
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Mine Land Osarizawa

Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Appi Bōsai-damu 25 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Nabekoshi Bōsai-damu 24 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Moriyoshi-damu 19 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Anihata-eki 14 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Yuzeonsen-eki 10 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Tayama-eki 17 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hachimantai-eki 7 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Rikuchūōsato-eki 5 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Suishō Zan Kokusetsu Ski Jō 1 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Osarizawa Kōzan Ato 0 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Mine Land Osarizawa 0 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Kazunohanawa-eki 3 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ōtaki Onsen Eki 10 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Hinai Chūō Bashi 15 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Magata Bashi 11 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Jūnisho Eki 8 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ōdate Country Club 13 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Kazuno-shiyakusho 5 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Jūnisho Ōhashi 7 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Dobukai Eki 5 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ōgida Ōhashi 14 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Niida Chiku Kōgyō Danchi 18 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ōgita Eki 16 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Suehiro Eki 5 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Sawajiri Eki 7 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Shibahira-eki 6 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ōgida Bashi 15 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Ishino Bashi 7 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Niida Bashi 18 km
Distance from Mine Land Osarizawa to Towadaminami-eki 8 km

More distances

Largest cities near Mine Land Osarizawa