Distance Katsuura Oyumino

Roadmap Katsuura (Chiba), to Oyumino (Chiba)

Distance from Katsuura (Chiba), to Oyumino (Chiba)

Katsuura is a city located in Chiba and his population is 22,307 inhabitants.Oyumino is located in Chiba and his population is 0 inhabitants.

The distance from Katsuura to Oyumino is 47.1 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Katsuura, 04 to Oyumino, 04. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Oyumino and Katsuura, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Katsuura to Oyumino.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Katsuura in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Katsuura or in Chiba.

If you want to see the route between Katsuura and Oyumino by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Katsuura to Oyumino will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Katsuura (Chiba)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Katsuura to Oyumino Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Katsuura thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Katsuura to main cities

Distance from Katsuura to Chiba 54 km
Distance from Katsuura to Honchō 69 km
Distance from Katsuura to Matsudo 80 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kashiwa 85 km
Distance from Katsuura to Ichihara 46 km
Distance from Katsuura to Sakura 64 km
Distance from Katsuura to Nagareyama 87 km
Distance from Katsuura to Abiko 85 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kisarazu 44 km
Distance from Katsuura to Noda 98 km
Distance from Katsuura to Narita 71 km
Distance from Katsuura to Mobara 31 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kimitsu 46 km
Distance from Katsuura to Yotsukaidō 58 km
Distance from Katsuura to Yachimata 56 km
Distance from Katsuura to Katori-shi 85 km
Distance from Katsuura to Tōgane 45 km
Distance from Katsuura to Shiroi 76 km
Distance from Katsuura to Ōami 41 km
Distance from Katsuura to Futtsu 49 km
Distance from Katsuura to Tateyama 45 km
Distance from Katsuura to Sawara 84 km
Distance from Katsuura to Asahi 70 km
Distance from Katsuura to Hasaki 81 km
Distance from Katsuura to Yōkaichiba 65 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kamogawa 20 km
Distance from Katsuura to Omigawa 83 km
Distance from Katsuura to Narutō 51 km
Distance from Katsuura to Ōhara 13 km
Distance from Katsuura to Shisui 64 km

Distances from Oyumino to nearby cities

Distance from Oyumino to Chiba 7 km
Distance from Oyumino to Ichihara 10 km
Distance from Oyumino to Yotsukaidō 11 km
Distance from Oyumino to Ōami 13 km
Distance from Oyumino to Yachimata 16 km
Distance from Oyumino to Ōamishirasato 17 km
Distance from Oyumino to Tōgane 17 km
Distance from Oyumino to Mobara 18 km
Distance from Oyumino to Sakura 19 km
Distance from Oyumino to Narashino 19 km
Distance from Oyumino to Shisui 20 km
Distance from Oyumino to Yachiyo 21 km
Distance from Oyumino to Sodegaura 21 km
Distance from Oyumino to Narutō 22 km
Distance from Oyumino to Sanmu 23 km
Distance from Oyumino to Honchō 24 km
Distance from Oyumino to Funabashi 24 km
Distance from Oyumino to Urayasu 27 km
Distance from Oyumino to Narita 28 km
Distance from Oyumino to Kamagaya 29 km
Distance from Oyumino to Shiroi 29 km
Distance from Oyumino to Tomisato 29 km
Distance from Oyumino to Kisarazu 29 km
Distance from Oyumino to Inzai 31 km
Distance from Oyumino to Ichikawa-minami 31 km
Distance from Oyumino to Matsudo 35 km
Distance from Oyumino to Kimitsu 36 km
Distance from Oyumino to Yōkaichiba 37 km
Distance from Oyumino to Abiko 38 km
Distance from Oyumino to Sōsa 38 km
Distance from Oyumino to Kashiwa 39 km
Distance from Oyumino to Ōhara 39 km
Distance from Oyumino to Isumi 42 km
Distance from Oyumino to Nagareyama 42 km
Distance from Oyumino to Futtsu 42 km
Distance from Oyumino to Asahi 46 km
Distance from Oyumino to Sawara 47 km
Distance from Oyumino to Katsuura 47 km
Distance from Oyumino to Katori-shi 48 km
Distance from Oyumino to Omigawa 51 km
Distance from Oyumino to Kamogawa 52 km
Distance from Oyumino to Noda 52 km
Distance from Oyumino to Hasaki 62 km
Distance from Oyumino to Choshi 62 km
Distance from Oyumino to Minamibōsō 63 km
Distance from Oyumino to Tateyama 70 km

Distances from Oyumino to nearby cities

  • Chiba 7 km / 5 mi
  • Ichihara 10 km / 6 mi
  • Yotsukaidō 11 km / 7 mi
  • Ōami 13 km / 8 mi
  • Yachimata 16 km / 10 mi
  • Ōamishirasato 17 km / 10 mi
  • Tōgane 17 km / 11 mi
  • Mobara 18 km / 11 mi
  • Sakura 19 km / 12 mi
  • Narashino 19 km / 12 mi
  • Shisui 20 km / 12 mi
  • Yachiyo 21 km / 13 mi
  • Sodegaura 21 km / 13 mi
  • Narutō 22 km / 14 mi
  • Sanmu 23 km / 14 mi
  • Honchō 24 km / 15 mi
  • Funabashi 24 km / 15 mi
  • Urayasu 27 km / 17 mi
  • Narita 28 km / 18 mi
  • Kamagaya 29 km / 18 mi
  • Shiroi 29 km / 18 mi
  • Tomisato 29 km / 18 mi
  • Kisarazu 29 km / 18 mi
  • Inzai 31 km / 19 mi
  • Ichikawa-minami 31 km / 19 mi
  • Matsudo 35 km / 22 mi
  • Kimitsu 36 km / 22 mi
  • Yōkaichiba 37 km / 23 mi
  • Abiko 38 km / 23 mi
  • Sōsa 38 km / 24 mi
  • Kashiwa 39 km / 24 mi
  • Ōhara 39 km / 24 mi
  • Isumi 42 km / 26 mi
  • Nagareyama 42 km / 26 mi
  • Futtsu 42 km / 26 mi
  • Asahi 46 km / 29 mi
  • Sawara 47 km / 29 mi
  • Katsuura 47 km / 29 mi
  • Katori-shi 48 km / 30 mi
  • Omigawa 51 km / 32 mi
  • Kamogawa 52 km / 32 mi
  • Noda 52 km / 32 mi
  • Hasaki 62 km / 39 mi
  • Choshi 62 km / 39 mi
  • Minamibōsō 63 km / 39 mi
  • Tateyama 70 km / 43 mi

Distances from Katsuura to nearest airports

Kisarazu Ab Distance from Katsuura to Kisarazu Ab 46 km
Tateyama Ab Distance from Katsuura to Tateyama Ab 48 km
Tokyo International Airport Distance from Katsuura to Tokyo International Airport 66 km
Narashino Distance from Katsuura to Narashino 67 km
Narita International Airport Distance from Katsuura to Narita International Airport 69 km
Shimofusa Ab Distance from Katsuura to Shimofusa Ab 78 km
Ryugasaki Distance from Katsuura to Ryugasaki 85 km
Atsugi United States Naval Air Station Distance from Katsuura to Atsugi United States Naval Air Station 86 km
Chofu Airport Distance from Katsuura to Chofu Airport 92 km
Zama Airfield Distance from Katsuura to Zama Airfield 93 km

Katsuura local overview

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 22,307
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Katsuura

Distance from Katsuura to Kamogawa Sea World 18 km
Distance from Katsuura to Tsukizaki Eki 24 km
Distance from Katsuura to Itabu Eki 25 km
Distance from Katsuura to Satomi Eki 26 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kazusa-ōkubo Eki 22 km
Distance from Katsuura to Sakai Bashi 23 km
Distance from Katsuura to Seichō Ji 15 km
Distance from Katsuura to Sakai Bashi 26 km
Distance from Katsuura to Awa-amatsu Eki 15 km
Distance from Katsuura to Morinaga-takataki Country Club 25 km
Distance from Katsuura to Yōrō Keikoku Eki 19 km
Distance from Katsuura to Minamiichihara Golf Club 23 km
Distance from Katsuura to Fuji Orix Management Golf Club 23 km
Distance from Katsuura to Golf 5 Country Oak Village 21 km
Distance from Katsuura to Chiba-isumi Golf Club 17 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kamo Golf Club 21 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kazusa Country Club 23 km
Distance from Katsuura to Homeiden 12 km
Distance from Katsuura to Chiba Daigaku Kaiyō Bio System Kenkyū Center Fuzoku Suizokukan 12 km
Distance from Katsuura to Awa-kominato Eki 12 km
Distance from Katsuura to Belle Selva Country Club Ichihara Course 25 km
Distance from Katsuura to Hōrin Country Club 21 km
Distance from Katsuura to Uchiurayama Kenmin no Mori 11 km
Distance from Katsuura to Michitekuru Kokoro No Yado Kichimu 11 km
Distance from Katsuura to Moon Lake Golf Club Maizuru Course 22 km
Distance from Katsuura to Tanjō Ji 11 km
Distance from Katsuura to Kazusa-nakano Eki 16 km
Distance from Katsuura to Katsuura Dam 10 km
Distance from Katsuura to Yonewara Golf Club 21 km
Distance from Katsuura to Gankōzan Nichiren Ji 10 km

More distances

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