Distance Shiroishi Kōya

Roadmap Shiroishi (Miyagi), to Kōya (Miyagi)

Distance from Shiroishi (Miyagi), to Kōya (Miyagi)

Shiroishi is a city located in Miyagi and his population is 39,481 inhabitants.Kōya is located in Miyagi and his population is 0 inhabitants.

The distance from Shiroishi to Kōya is 30.0 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Shiroishi, 24 to Kōya, 24. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Kōya and Shiroishi, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Shiroishi to Kōya.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Shiroishi in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Shiroishi or in Miyagi.

If you want to see the route between Shiroishi and Kōya by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Shiroishi to Kōya will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Shiroishi (Miyagi)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Shiroishi to Kōya Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Shiroishi thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Shiroishi to main cities

Distance from Shiroishi to Sendai 36 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Ishinomaki 75 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Furukawa 70 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Shiogama 50 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Tomiya 49 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Iwanuma 24 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Watari 21 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Rifu 48 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kakuda 14 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Yamoto 70 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Ōkawara 11 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kogota 72 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Wakuya 75 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Marumori 16 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Matsushima 57 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Tagajō-shi 47 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Onagawa Chō 88 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Natori-shi 29 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kesennuma 130 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Ōsaki 72 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Higashimatsushima 67 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kurihara 90 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Tome 91 km

Distances from Kōya to nearby cities

Distance from Kōya to Natori-shi 2 km
Distance from Kōya to Iwanuma 7 km
Distance from Kōya to Sendai 13 km
Distance from Kōya to Watari 14 km
Distance from Kōya to Tagajō-shi 18 km
Distance from Kōya to Ōkawara 19 km
Distance from Kōya to Rifu 21 km
Distance from Kōya to Shiogama 21 km
Distance from Kōya to Kakuda 23 km
Distance from Kōya to Tomiya 27 km
Distance from Kōya to Matsushima 28 km
Distance from Kōya to Marumori 29 km
Distance from Kōya to Shiroishi 30 km
Distance from Kōya to Higashimatsushima 37 km
Distance from Kōya to Yamoto 41 km
Distance from Kōya to Ishinomaki 45 km
Distance from Kōya to Kogota 46 km
Distance from Kōya to Furukawa 47 km
Distance from Kōya to Wakuya 48 km
Distance from Kōya to Ōsaki 49 km
Distance from Kōya to Onagawa Chō 58 km
Distance from Kōya to Tome 65 km
Distance from Kōya to Kurihara 67 km
Distance from Kōya to Kesennuma 102 km

Distances from Kōya to nearby cities

  • Natori-shi 2 km / 1 mi
  • Iwanuma 7 km / 4 mi
  • Sendai 13 km / 8 mi
  • Watari 14 km / 9 mi
  • Tagajō-shi 18 km / 11 mi
  • Ōkawara 19 km / 12 mi
  • Rifu 21 km / 13 mi
  • Shiogama 21 km / 13 mi
  • Kakuda 23 km / 14 mi
  • Tomiya 27 km / 17 mi
  • Matsushima 28 km / 17 mi
  • Marumori 29 km / 18 mi
  • Shiroishi 30 km / 19 mi
  • Higashimatsushima 37 km / 23 mi
  • Yamoto 41 km / 25 mi
  • Ishinomaki 45 km / 28 mi
  • Kogota 46 km / 28 mi
  • Furukawa 47 km / 29 mi
  • Wakuya 48 km / 30 mi
  • Ōsaki 49 km / 30 mi
  • Onagawa Chō 58 km / 36 mi
  • Tome 65 km / 41 mi
  • Kurihara 67 km / 42 mi
  • Kesennuma 102 km / 63 mi

Distances from Shiroishi to nearest airports

Sendai Airport Distance from Shiroishi to Sendai Airport 30 km
Yamagata Airport Distance from Shiroishi to Yamagata Airport 50 km
Matsushima Ab Distance from Shiroishi to Matsushima Ab 69 km
Fukushima Airport Distance from Shiroishi to Fukushima Airport 88 km
Shonai Airport Distance from Shiroishi to Shonai Airport 116 km
Niigata Airport Distance from Shiroishi to Niigata Airport 132 km
Morioka Hanamaki Airport Distance from Shiroishi to Morioka Hanamaki Airport 165 km
Utsunomiya Ab Distance from Shiroishi to Utsunomiya Ab 178 km
Akita Airport Distance from Shiroishi to Akita Airport 183 km
Hyakuri Ab Distance from Shiroishi to Hyakuri Ab 204 km

Shiroishi local overview

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 39,481
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Shiroishi

Distance from Shiroishi to Hirano-eki 27 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Mukaisenoue-eki 24 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Takako-eki 23 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kamihobara-eki 23 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Hobara-eki 22 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Iōjimae-eki 26 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Date-shiyakusho 21 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Ōizumi-eki 21 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Date-eki 23 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Hanamizuzaka-eki 25 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Niida-eki 20 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Iizakaonsen-eki 24 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Plaza Hotel Azuma 24 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Nitta-eki 19 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Yashiakwaya 24 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Yanagawa-eki 18 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kōri-machiyakuba 19 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Koori-eki 19 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Yanagawa Kibōnomori Kōen-mae-eki 16 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Fujikura-damu 20 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Tomino-eki 14 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kunimi-machiyakuba 15 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Fujita-eki 15 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kabuto-eki 12 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kaida-eki 11 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Marumori-machiyakuba 16 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Fubukuma-eki 12 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Marumori-eki 15 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kosugō-eki 8 km
Distance from Shiroishi to Kitamarumori-eki 15 km

More distances

Largest cities near Shiroishi