Distance Keage Jōyō

Roadmap Keage (Kyoto), to Jōyō (Kyoto)

Distance from Keage (Kyoto), to Jōyō (Kyoto)

The distance from Keage to Jōyō is 18.3 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Keage, 22 to Jōyō, 22. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Jōyō and Keage, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Keage to Jōyō.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Keage in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Keage or in Kyoto.

If you want to see the route between Keage and Jōyō by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Keage to Jōyō will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Keage (Kyoto)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Keage to Jōyō Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Keage thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Keage to main cities

Distance from Keage to Kyoto 4 km
Distance from Keage to Uji 13 km
Distance from Keage to Kameoka 19 km
Distance from Keage to Maizuru 64 km
Distance from Keage to Kamigyō-ku 4 km
Distance from Keage to Yawata 17 km
Distance from Keage to Fukuchiyama 69 km
Distance from Keage to Tanabe 21 km
Distance from Keage to Mukō 9 km
Distance from Keage to Arashiyama 10 km
Distance from Keage to Ayabe 59 km
Distance from Keage to Miyazu 80 km
Distance from Keage to Nagaoka 12 km
Distance from Keage to Kizugawa 31 km
Distance from Keage to Jōyō 18 km
Distance from Keage to Kyōtanabe 23 km
Distance from Keage to Kyōtango 95 km
Distance from Keage to Nantan 29 km

Distances from Jōyō to nearby cities

Distance from Jōyō to Tanabe 4 km
Distance from Jōyō to Uji 5 km
Distance from Jōyō to Kyōtanabe 6 km
Distance from Jōyō to Yawata 10 km
Distance from Jōyō to Kizugawa 12 km
Distance from Jōyō to Nagaoka 14 km
Distance from Jōyō to Mukō 16 km
Distance from Jōyō to Kyoto 20 km
Distance from Jōyō to Kamigyō-ku 21 km
Distance from Jōyō to Arashiyama 22 km
Distance from Jōyō to Kameoka 27 km
Distance from Jōyō to Nantan 41 km
Distance from Jōyō to Ayabe 72 km
Distance from Jōyō to Maizuru 80 km
Distance from Jōyō to Fukuchiyama 81 km
Distance from Jōyō to Miyazu 95 km
Distance from Jōyō to Kyōtango 110 km

Distances from Jōyō to nearby cities

  • Tanabe 4 km / 3 mi
  • Uji 5 km / 3 mi
  • Kyōtanabe 6 km / 4 mi
  • Yawata 10 km / 6 mi
  • Kizugawa 12 km / 8 mi
  • Nagaoka 14 km / 9 mi
  • Mukō 16 km / 10 mi
  • Kyoto 20 km / 13 mi
  • Kamigyō-ku 21 km / 13 mi
  • Arashiyama 22 km / 14 mi
  • Kameoka 27 km / 17 mi
  • Nantan 41 km / 26 mi
  • Ayabe 72 km / 45 mi
  • Maizuru 80 km / 50 mi
  • Fukuchiyama 81 km / 50 mi
  • Miyazu 95 km / 59 mi
  • Kyōtango 110 km / 68 mi

Distances from Keage to nearest airports

Osaka International Airport Distance from Keage to Osaka International Airport 41 km
Yao Airport Distance from Keage to Yao Airport 49 km
Kobe Airport Distance from Keage to Kobe Airport 66 km
Kansai International Airport Distance from Keage to Kansai International Airport 82 km
Chūbu Centrair International Airport Distance from Keage to Chūbu Centrair International Airport 94 km
Tajima Airport Distance from Keage to Tajima Airport 107 km
Gifu Ab Distance from Keage to Gifu Ab 107 km
Fukui Airport Distance from Keage to Fukui Airport 132 km
Tokushima Airport Distance from Keage to Tokushima Airport 146 km
Nankishirahama Airport Distance from Keage to Nankishirahama Airport 155 km

Keage local overview

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 0
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Keage

Distance from Keage to Tomita-eki 26 km
Distance from Keage to Settsutonda-eki 26 km
Distance from Keage to Umahori-eki 17 km
Distance from Keage to Torokko Kameoka-eki 17 km
Distance from Keage to Takatsuki-eki 24 km
Distance from Keage to Takatsuki-shiyakusho 24 km
Distance from Keage to Takatsukishi-eki 23 km
Distance from Keage to Hirakata Kōen-eki 26 km
Distance from Keage to Hozukyō-eki 14 km
Distance from Keage to Torokko Hozukyō-eki 13 km
Distance from Keage to Hirakatashi-eki 25 km
Distance from Keage to Hirakata-shiyakusho 25 km
Distance from Keage to Gotenyama-eki 23 km
Distance from Keage to Miyanosaka-eki 25 km
Distance from Keage to Kamimoku-eki 19 km
Distance from Keage to Shimamoto-eki 18 km
Distance from Keage to Shimamoto-chōyakuba 18 km
Distance from Keage to Makino-eki 22 km
Distance from Keage to Minase-eki 18 km
Distance from Keage to Momijiya 12 km
Distance from Keage to Torokko Arashiyama-eki 11 km
Distance from Keage to Arashiyama Bamboo Grove 11 km
Distance from Keage to Kuzuha-eki 19 km
Distance from Keage to Arashiyama Monkey Park 10 km
Distance from Keage to Arashiyama Onsen Saishikino Yado Hanaikada 10 km
Distance from Keage to Togetsukyō 10 km
Distance from Keage to Arashiyama-eki 10 km
Distance from Keage to Yamasaki-eki 16 km
Distance from Keage to Kadensho 10 km
Distance from Keage to Kyoto Arashiyama Onsen Kadensho 10 km

More distances

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