Distance Sukumo Muroto-misakicho

Roadmap Sukumo (Kochi), to Muroto-misakicho (Kochi)

Distance from Sukumo (Kochi), to Muroto-misakicho (Kochi)

Sukumo is a city located in Kochi and his population is 25,784 inhabitants.Muroto-misakicho is located in Kochi and his population is 17,601 inhabitants.

The distance from Sukumo to Muroto-misakicho is 139.2 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Sukumo, 20 to Muroto-misakicho, 20. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Muroto-misakicho and Sukumo, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Sukumo to Muroto-misakicho.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Sukumo in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Sukumo or in Kochi.

If you want to see the route between Sukumo and Muroto-misakicho by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Sukumo to Muroto-misakicho will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Sukumo (Kochi)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Sukumo to Muroto-misakicho Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Sukumo thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Sukumo to main cities

Distance from Sukumo to Kochi 101 km
Distance from Sukumo to Nakamura 19 km
Distance from Sukumo to Susaki 73 km
Distance from Sukumo to Ino 95 km
Distance from Sukumo to Aki 126 km
Distance from Sukumo to Muroto-misakicho 139 km
Distance from Sukumo to Tosashimizu 27 km
Distance from Sukumo to Shimanto 20 km
Distance from Sukumo to Tosa 92 km
Distance from Sukumo to Nankoku 111 km
Distance from Sukumo to Kami 133 km
Distance from Sukumo to Kōnan 122 km
Distance from Sukumo to Muroto 139 km

Distances from Muroto-misakicho to nearby cities

Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Muroto 6 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Aki 34 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Kōnan 49 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Kami 54 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Nankoku 58 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Kochi 66 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Tosa 71 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Ino 74 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Susaki 82 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Nakamura 120 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Shimanto 125 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Tosashimizu 126 km
Distance from Muroto-misakicho to Sukumo 139 km

Distances from Muroto-misakicho to nearby cities

  • Muroto 6 km / 4 mi
  • Aki 34 km / 21 mi
  • Kōnan 49 km / 30 mi
  • Kami 54 km / 33 mi
  • Nankoku 58 km / 36 mi
  • Kochi 66 km / 41 mi
  • Tosa 71 km / 44 mi
  • Ino 74 km / 46 mi
  • Susaki 82 km / 51 mi
  • Nakamura 120 km / 75 mi
  • Shimanto 125 km / 78 mi
  • Tosashimizu 126 km / 78 mi
  • Sukumo 139 km / 87 mi

Distances from Sukumo to nearest airports

Matsuyama Airport Distance from Sukumo to Matsuyama Airport 100 km
Kochi Airport Distance from Sukumo to Kochi Airport 111 km
Oita Airport Distance from Sukumo to Oita Airport 111 km
Niihama Distance from Sukumo to Niihama 125 km
Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni Distance from Sukumo to Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni 142 km
Nyutabaru Ab Distance from Sukumo to Nyutabaru Ab 153 km
Hiroshimanishi Distance from Sukumo to Hiroshimanishi 162 km
Hofu Ab Distance from Sukumo to Hofu Ab 165 km
Hiroshima Airport Distance from Sukumo to Hiroshima Airport 168 km
Miyazaki Airport Distance from Sukumo to Miyazaki Airport 169 km

Sukumo local overview

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 25,784
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Sukumo

Distance from Sukumo to Sanzai-damu 25 km
Distance from Sukumo to Ainan-chōyakuba 14 km
Distance from Sukumo to Ōkuboyama-damu 13 km
Distance from Sukumo to Ōtsuki-chōyakuba 11 km
Distance from Sukumo to Sukumo-eki 2 km
Distance from Sukumo to Sakamoto-damu 10 km
Distance from Sukumo to Sukumo-shiyakusho 1 km
Distance from Sukumo to Higashi Sukumo-eki 0 km
Distance from Sukumo to Okunaro 6 km
Distance from Sukumo to Hirata-eki 6 km
Distance from Sukumo to Henai 7 km
Distance from Sukumo to Kōgyō-danchi-eki 7 km
Distance from Sukumo to Nakasuji-damu 7 km
Distance from Sukumo to Arioka-eki 10 km
Distance from Sukumo to Mihara-murayakuba 11 km
Distance from Sukumo to Kunimi-eki 15 km
Distance from Sukumo to Gudō-eki 18 km
Distance from Sukumo to New Royal Hotel Shimanto 20 km

More distances

Largest cities near Sukumo