Distance Yatsuchō Izunokuni

Roadmap Yatsuchō (Shizuoka), to Izunokuni (Shizuoka)

Distance from Yatsuchō (Shizuoka), to Izunokuni (Shizuoka)

The distance from Yatsuchō to Izunokuni is 39.6 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Yatsuchō, 37 to Izunokuni, 37. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Izunokuni and Yatsuchō, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Yatsuchō to Izunokuni.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Yatsuchō in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Yatsuchō or in Shizuoka.

If you want to see the route between Yatsuchō and Izunokuni by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Yatsuchō to Izunokuni will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Yatsuchō (Shizuoka)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Yatsuchō to Izunokuni Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Yatsuchō thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Yatsuchō to main cities

Distance from Yatsuchō to Shizuoka 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Hamamatsu 83 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Fuji 18 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Numazu 32 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Fujieda 33 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Fujinomiya 18 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Yaizu 29 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Mishima 37 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Iwata 74 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Hamakita 74 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kakegawa 57 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Gotenba 47 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Shimada 42 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Itō 53 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Fukuroi 66 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Atami 49 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Shimoda 59 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Sagara 52 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Ōyama 59 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kanaya 46 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Mori 60 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Heda 27 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Makinohara 48 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Izunokuni 40 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Izu 41 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kikugawa 55 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kosai 100 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Susono 37 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Omaezaki 60 km

Distances from Izunokuni to nearby cities

Distance from Izunokuni to Izu 8 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Mishima 9 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Numazu 10 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Atami 11 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Itō 14 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Susono 16 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Heda 17 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Fuji 28 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Gotenba 31 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Fujinomiya 36 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Shimoda 40 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Shizuoka 52 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Yaizu 61 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Fujieda 65 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Shimada 74 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Sagara 79 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Makinohara 79 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Kanaya 79 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Ōyama 83 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Omaezaki 83 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Kikugawa 85 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Kakegawa 91 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Mori 96 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Fukuroi 100 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Iwata 107 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Hamakita 110 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Hamamatsu 117 km
Distance from Izunokuni to Kosai 136 km

Distances from Izunokuni to nearby cities

  • Izu 8 km / 5 mi
  • Mishima 9 km / 6 mi
  • Numazu 10 km / 6 mi
  • Atami 11 km / 7 mi
  • Itō 14 km / 9 mi
  • Susono 16 km / 10 mi
  • Heda 17 km / 11 mi
  • Fuji 28 km / 18 mi
  • Gotenba 31 km / 19 mi
  • Fujinomiya 36 km / 23 mi
  • Shimoda 40 km / 25 mi
  • Shizuoka 52 km / 32 mi
  • Yaizu 61 km / 38 mi
  • Fujieda 65 km / 41 mi
  • Shimada 74 km / 46 mi
  • Sagara 79 km / 49 mi
  • Makinohara 79 km / 49 mi
  • Kanaya 79 km / 49 mi
  • Ōyama 83 km / 51 mi
  • Omaezaki 83 km / 52 mi
  • Kikugawa 85 km / 53 mi
  • Kakegawa 91 km / 56 mi
  • Mori 96 km / 59 mi
  • Fukuroi 100 km / 62 mi
  • Iwata 107 km / 67 mi
  • Hamakita 110 km / 68 mi
  • Hamamatsu 117 km / 73 mi
  • Kosai 136 km / 84 mi

Distances from Yatsuchō to nearest airports

Shizuhama Ab Distance from Yatsuchō to Shizuhama Ab 35 km
Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport Distance from Yatsuchō to Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport 44 km
Hamamatsu Ab Distance from Yatsuchō to Hamamatsu Ab 83 km
Oshima Airport Distance from Yatsuchō to Oshima Airport 83 km
Zama Airfield Distance from Yatsuchō to Zama Airfield 93 km
Atsugi United States Naval Air Station Distance from Yatsuchō to Atsugi United States Naval Air Station 95 km
Niijima Airport Distance from Yatsuchō to Niijima Airport 104 km
Chofu Airport Distance from Yatsuchō to Chofu Airport 113 km
Kōzushima Airport Distance from Yatsuchō to Kōzushima Airport 113 km
Iruma Ab Distance from Yatsuchō to Iruma Ab 118 km

Yatsuchō local overview

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 0
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Yatsuchō

Distance from Yatsuchō to Ochiai 18 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Umegashima 27 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Mochimune-eki 22 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Abekawa-eki 20 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Ushizuma 14 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Shizuoka Kita Washington Hotel Plaza 17 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Aoi-kuyakusho 17 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Asaba 17 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Associa Shizuoka Terminal Hot 17 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Shinshizuoka-eki 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Ataminoyu Shinkadoya 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Hotel Suiyotei 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Hana No Yakata Somei 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Shizuoka-eki 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Hiyoshichō-eki 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Otowachō-eki 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kasugachō-eki 15 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Suruga-kuyakusho 16 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Yunoki-eki 15 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Toro Iseki 17 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Naganuma-eki 14 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Higashishizuoka-eki 14 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Furushō-eki 13 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Ken-sōgō Undōjō-eki 12 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kenritsu Bijutsukanmae-eki 11 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kusanagi-eki 11 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Mikadodai-eki 10 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Kitsunegasaki-eki 9 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Yorihata-eki 22 km
Distance from Yatsuchō to Sakurabashi-eki 8 km

More distances

Largest cities near Yatsuchō