Distance Minamigata Umi

Roadmap Minamigata (Fukuoka), to Umi (Fukuoka)

Distance from Minamigata (Fukuoka), to Umi (Fukuoka)

The distance from Minamigata to Umi is 43.6 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Minamigata, 07 to Umi, 07. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Umi and Minamigata, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Minamigata to Umi.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Minamigata in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Minamigata or in Fukuoka.

If you want to see the route between Minamigata and Umi by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Minamigata to Umi will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Minamigata (Fukuoka)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Minamigata to Umi Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Minamigata thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Minamigata to main cities

Distance from Minamigata to Fukuoka 48 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kitakyushu 3 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kurume 65 km
Distance from Minamigata to Ōmuta 97 km
Distance from Minamigata to Chikushino-shi 49 km
Distance from Minamigata to Ōnojō 48 km
Distance from Minamigata to Iizuka 27 km
Distance from Minamigata to Yukuhashi 16 km
Distance from Minamigata to Dazaifu 47 km
Distance from Minamigata to Maebaru-chūō 68 km
Distance from Minamigata to Koga 38 km
Distance from Minamigata to Nōgata 16 km
Distance from Minamigata to Tagawa 23 km
Distance from Minamigata to Nakama 14 km
Distance from Minamigata to Nishifukuma 36 km
Distance from Minamigata to Amagi 50 km
Distance from Minamigata to Yanagawa 85 km
Distance from Minamigata to Umi 44 km
Distance from Minamigata to Ōkawa 83 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kanda 13 km
Distance from Minamigata to Sasaguri 37 km
Distance from Minamigata to Buzen 35 km
Distance from Minamigata to Shingū 42 km
Distance from Minamigata to Setakamachi-takayanagi 84 km
Distance from Minamigata to Tanushimarumachi-toyoki 56 km
Distance from Minamigata to Miyata 24 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kawasaki 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Shiida 27 km
Distance from Minamigata to Tsuiki 24 km
Distance from Minamigata to Yoshitomi 39 km

Distances from Umi to nearby cities

Distance from Umi to Ōnojō 5 km
Distance from Umi to Dazaifu 6 km
Distance from Umi to Sasaguri 6 km
Distance from Umi to Kasuga 7 km
Distance from Umi to Chikushino-shi 8 km
Distance from Umi to Fukuoka 9 km
Distance from Umi to Shingū 18 km
Distance from Umi to Iizuka 18 km
Distance from Umi to Koga 19 km
Distance from Umi to Miyata 20 km
Distance from Umi to Ogōri 20 km
Distance from Umi to Miyawaka 21 km
Distance from Umi to Amagi 21 km
Distance from Umi to Kama 22 km
Distance from Umi to Nishifukuma 22 km
Distance from Umi to Fukutsu 24 km
Distance from Umi to Munakata 26 km
Distance from Umi to Asakura 26 km
Distance from Umi to Nōgata 27 km
Distance from Umi to Tagawa 28 km
Distance from Umi to Kurume 28 km
Distance from Umi to Kawasaki 28 km
Distance from Umi to Maebaru-chūō 29 km
Distance from Umi to Tanushimarumachi-toyoki 29 km
Distance from Umi to Itoshima 30 km
Distance from Umi to Ukiha 32 km
Distance from Umi to Nakama 33 km
Distance from Umi to Yame 40 km
Distance from Umi to Chikugo 40 km
Distance from Umi to Ōkawa 42 km
Distance from Umi to Kitakyushu 45 km
Distance from Umi to Yanagawa 46 km
Distance from Umi to Setakamachi-takayanagi 47 km
Distance from Umi to Yukuhashi 47 km
Distance from Umi to Miyama 50 km
Distance from Umi to Kanda 50 km
Distance from Umi to Tsuiki 50 km
Distance from Umi to Shiida 52 km
Distance from Umi to Buzen 58 km
Distance from Umi to Ōmuta 60 km
Distance from Umi to Yoshitomi 62 km

Distances from Umi to nearby cities

  • Ōnojō 5 km / 3 mi
  • Dazaifu 6 km / 4 mi
  • Sasaguri 6 km / 4 mi
  • Kasuga 7 km / 4 mi
  • Chikushino-shi 8 km / 5 mi
  • Fukuoka 9 km / 6 mi
  • Shingū 18 km / 11 mi
  • Iizuka 18 km / 11 mi
  • Koga 19 km / 12 mi
  • Miyata 20 km / 13 mi
  • Ogōri 20 km / 13 mi
  • Miyawaka 21 km / 13 mi
  • Amagi 21 km / 13 mi
  • Kama 22 km / 14 mi
  • Nishifukuma 22 km / 14 mi
  • Fukutsu 24 km / 15 mi
  • Munakata 26 km / 16 mi
  • Asakura 26 km / 16 mi
  • Nōgata 27 km / 17 mi
  • Tagawa 28 km / 17 mi
  • Kurume 28 km / 17 mi
  • Kawasaki 28 km / 18 mi
  • Maebaru-chūō 29 km / 18 mi
  • Tanushimarumachi-toyoki 29 km / 18 mi
  • Itoshima 30 km / 19 mi
  • Ukiha 32 km / 20 mi
  • Nakama 33 km / 21 mi
  • Yame 40 km / 25 mi
  • Chikugo 40 km / 25 mi
  • Ōkawa 42 km / 26 mi
  • Kitakyushu 45 km / 28 mi
  • Yanagawa 46 km / 28 mi
  • Setakamachi-takayanagi 47 km / 29 mi
  • Yukuhashi 47 km / 29 mi
  • Miyama 50 km / 31 mi
  • Kanda 50 km / 31 mi
  • Tsuiki 50 km / 31 mi
  • Shiida 52 km / 32 mi
  • Buzen 58 km / 36 mi
  • Ōmuta 60 km / 37 mi
  • Yoshitomi 62 km / 38 mi

Distances from Minamigata to nearest airports

Kitakyushu Airport Distance from Minamigata to Kitakyushu Airport 16 km
Ashiya Ab Distance from Minamigata to Ashiya Ab 20 km
Tsuiki Ab Distance from Minamigata to Tsuiki Ab 23 km
Ozuki Ab Distance from Minamigata to Ozuki Ab 30 km
Yamaguchi Ube Airport Distance from Minamigata to Yamaguchi Ube Airport 40 km
Fukuoka Airport Distance from Minamigata to Fukuoka Airport 47 km
Hofu Ab Distance from Minamigata to Hofu Ab 68 km
Oita Airport Distance from Minamigata to Oita Airport 90 km
Saga Airport Distance from Minamigata to Saga Airport 92 km
Iki Airport Distance from Minamigata to Iki Airport 100 km

Minamigata local overview

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 0
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Minamigata

Distance from Minamigata to Chūō Kōen 23 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kamimio Danchi 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Iizuka Bashi 27 km
Distance from Minamigata to Sakiyama Eki 22 km
Distance from Minamigata to Shōnai Kōgyō Danchi 25 km
Distance from Minamigata to Uchida Eki 21 km
Distance from Minamigata to Higashimachi Bashi 27 km
Distance from Minamigata to Tagawa Shiyakusho 22 km
Distance from Minamigata to Nōso Hachimangū 27 km
Distance from Minamigata to Tagawa-ita Eki 21 km
Distance from Minamigata to Yoshio Bashi 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Katsumori Kōen 27 km
Distance from Minamigata to Shin’iizuka Eki 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kinki Daigaku 25 km
Distance from Minamigata to Shiniizuka-eki 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Shin’iizuka Bashi 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Iizuka Shiyakusho 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Atomuta Kōgyō Danchi 27 km
Distance from Minamigata to Ōyabu Eki 21 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kamiita Eki 20 km
Distance from Minamigata to Fukuoka Kenritsu Daigaku 21 km
Distance from Minamigata to Saigawa Eki 21 km
Distance from Minamigata to Miyako Country Club 22 km
Distance from Minamigata to Kakishita Onsenguchi Eki 20 km
Distance from Minamigata to Magarikane Eki 20 km
Distance from Minamigata to Atago Danchi 25 km
Distance from Minamigata to Shimoita Eki 20 km
Distance from Minamigata to Iizuka Ōhashi 26 km
Distance from Minamigata to Itoda Machiyakuba 21 km
Distance from Minamigata to Higashi Ōhashi 20 km

More distances

Largest cities near Minamigata