Distance Goino Kurio

Roadmap Goino (Kagoshima), to Kurio (Kagoshima)

Distance from Goino (Kagoshima), to Kurio (Kagoshima)

The distance from Goino to Kurio is 133.5 km in a straight line.

In this page you have other information about the distances between these places and the travel duration. For example, you have the distance calculated for a road trip, for a bike ride, walk or public transport (bus, Metro, Train, Tram). You have the duration and the roadmap for all modes of transport from Goino, 18 to Kurio, 18. You can also go to the link below to take knowledge of the return route between Kurio and Goino, as well as different trip duration.

Below is a small summary figure in the roadmap for a trip from Goino to Kurio.

Distance by car
Duration by car
Fuel cost (Gasoline)
Fuel cost (Diesel)
Distance by bike
Duration by bike

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Further down this page, you can view other routes and distances from Goino in the direction of the largest cities in United States or to places and points of interest around Goino or in Kagoshima.

If you want to see the route between Goino and Kurio by bus, metro, tramway or train, simply return to the form to the top and change the travel mode by selecting "Public Transport" and then validate. The roadmap from Goino to Kurio will be updated accordingly.

Rent a car in Goino (Kagoshima)

If you want rent a car to do a trip from Goino to Kurio Then You will find best prices to rent a vehicle from major car rental companies in Goino thanks to Compare rental.

Distances from Goino to main cities

Distance from Goino to Kagoshima 11 km
Distance from Goino to Kanoya 34 km
Distance from Goino to Satsumasendai 43 km
Distance from Goino to Kokubu-matsuki 38 km
Distance from Goino to Hamanoichi 35 km
Distance from Goino to Izumi 70 km
Distance from Goino to Ibusuki 30 km
Distance from Goino to Kushikino 36 km
Distance from Goino to Ijūin 19 km
Distance from Goino to Akune 67 km
Distance from Goino to Makurazaki 29 km
Distance from Goino to Kaseda-shirakame 19 km
Distance from Goino to Kajiki 33 km
Distance from Goino to Ōkuchi-shinohara 67 km
Distance from Goino to Sueyoshichō-ninokata 52 km
Distance from Goino to Tarumizu 18 km
Distance from Goino to Shibushi 56 km
Distance from Goino to Nishinoomote 94 km
Distance from Goino to Miyanoura 116 km
Distance from Goino to Koseda 121 km
Distance from Goino to Yudomari 138 km
Distance from Goino to Kurio 134 km
Distance from Goino to Koshima 138 km
Distance from Goino to Nagata 120 km
Distance from Goino to Hioki 20 km
Distance from Goino to Kirishima 39 km
Distance from Goino to Aira 35 km
Distance from Goino to Isa 67 km
Distance from Goino to Minamikyushu 15 km
Distance from Goino to Minamisatsuma 23 km

Distances from Kurio to nearby cities

Distance from Kurio to Yudomari 7 km
Distance from Kurio to Koshima 11 km
Distance from Kurio to Nagata 14 km
Distance from Kurio to Miyanoura 22 km
Distance from Kurio to Koseda 25 km
Distance from Kurio to Nishinoomote 76 km
Distance from Kurio to Ibusuki 109 km
Distance from Kurio to Makurazaki 111 km
Distance from Kurio to Minamikyushu 120 km
Distance from Kurio to Minamisatsuma 125 km
Distance from Kurio to Kaseda-shirakame 128 km
Distance from Kurio to Kanoya 130 km
Distance from Kurio to Tarumizu 137 km
Distance from Kurio to Kagoshima 145 km
Distance from Kurio to Hioki 146 km
Distance from Kurio to Shibushi 149 km
Distance from Kurio to Ijūin 150 km
Distance from Kurio to Kushikino 162 km
Distance from Kurio to Soo 162 km
Distance from Kurio to Ichikikushikino 163 km
Distance from Kurio to Sueyoshichō-ninokata 164 km
Distance from Kurio to Hamanoichi 164 km
Distance from Kurio to Kajiki 164 km
Distance from Kurio to Kokubu-matsuki 166 km
Distance from Kurio to Kirishima 167 km
Distance from Kurio to Aira 168 km
Distance from Kurio to Satsumasendai 172 km
Distance from Kurio to Akune 195 km
Distance from Kurio to Isa 201 km
Distance from Kurio to Ōkuchi-shinohara 201 km
Distance from Kurio to Izumi 202 km
Distance from Kurio to Amami 229 km
Distance from Kurio to Naze 231 km

Distances from Kurio to nearby cities

  • Yudomari 7 km / 4 mi
  • Koshima 11 km / 7 mi
  • Nagata 14 km / 9 mi
  • Miyanoura 22 km / 14 mi
  • Koseda 25 km / 16 mi
  • Nishinoomote 76 km / 47 mi
  • Ibusuki 109 km / 68 mi
  • Makurazaki 111 km / 69 mi
  • Minamikyushu 120 km / 74 mi
  • Minamisatsuma 125 km / 78 mi
  • Kaseda-shirakame 128 km / 79 mi
  • Kanoya 130 km / 81 mi
  • Tarumizu 137 km / 85 mi
  • Kagoshima 145 km / 90 mi
  • Hioki 146 km / 91 mi
  • Shibushi 149 km / 93 mi
  • Ijūin 150 km / 93 mi
  • Kushikino 162 km / 100 mi
  • Soo 162 km / 101 mi
  • Ichikikushikino 163 km / 101 mi
  • Sueyoshichō-ninokata 164 km / 102 mi
  • Hamanoichi 164 km / 102 mi
  • Kajiki 164 km / 102 mi
  • Kokubu-matsuki 166 km / 103 mi
  • Kirishima 167 km / 104 mi
  • Aira 168 km / 104 mi
  • Satsumasendai 172 km / 107 mi
  • Akune 195 km / 121 mi
  • Isa 201 km / 125 mi
  • Ōkuchi-shinohara 201 km / 125 mi
  • Izumi 202 km / 125 mi
  • Amami 229 km / 143 mi
  • Naze 231 km / 143 mi

Distances from Goino to nearest airports

Kanoya Ab Distance from Goino to Kanoya Ab 34 km
Kagoshima Airport Distance from Goino to Kagoshima Airport 42 km
Mishimamura Satsuma Iojima Distance from Goino to Mishimamura Satsuma Iojima 80 km
Miyazaki Airport Distance from Goino to Miyazaki Airport 100 km
Tanegashima Airport Distance from Goino to Tanegashima Airport 107 km
Nyutabaru Ab Distance from Goino to Nyutabaru Ab 112 km
Yakushima Airport Distance from Goino to Yakushima Airport 122 km
Kumamoto Airport Distance from Goino to Kumamoto Airport 156 km
Nagasaki Airport Distance from Goino to Nagasaki Airport 171 km
Ōmura Airport Distance from Goino to Ōmura Airport 171 km

Goino local overview

Time zone : Asia/Tokyo
  • Country : Japan
  • Capital : Tokyo
  • Population : 0
  • Iso code : JP / JPN
  • Dialing code : +81 / 0081

Places close to Goino

Distance from Goino to Miyagahama Eki 24 km
Distance from Goino to Satsuma-imaizumi Eki 22 km
Distance from Goino to Kan-byū 19 km
Distance from Goino to Kumagatani Bokujō 19 km
Distance from Goino to Nukumi Eki 19 km
Distance from Goino to Maenohama Eki 15 km
Distance from Goino to Hirayama 17 km
Distance from Goino to Kiire Eki 11 km
Distance from Goino to Minamikyūshū-shiyakusho 12 km
Distance from Goino to Shinnihon Sekiyu Kichi 10 km
Distance from Goino to Nakamyō Eki 9 km
Distance from Goino to Minamisatsuma-shiyakusho 19 km
Distance from Goino to Sesekushi Eki 6 km
Distance from Goino to Kawabe-damu 7 km
Distance from Goino to Hirakawa Eki 2 km
Distance from Goino to Kinpō-damu 11 km
Distance from Goino to Goino Eki 1 km
Distance from Goino to Tarumizu Shiyakusho 18 km
Distance from Goino to Sakanoue-eki 3 km
Distance from Goino to Jigenji-eki 5 km
Distance from Goino to Taniyama-eki 6 km
Distance from Goino to Kamishioya-eki 8 km
Distance from Goino to Sasanuki-eki 8 km
Distance from Goino to Usuki-eki 9 km
Distance from Goino to Wakita-eki 9 km
Distance from Goino to Usuki Itchōme-eki 9 km
Distance from Goino to Rembrant Hotel Kagoshima 10 km
Distance from Goino to Nagayoshi-damu 12 km
Distance from Goino to Nikenchaya-eki 9 km
Distance from Goino to Minami-kagoshima-eki-mae-eki 10 km

More distances

Largest cities near Goino